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 Manual Therapy   >>   Manual Therapy

(Derived from Latin word Manus= Hands)
Therapy (Derived from Greek word θεραπεύω (therapeuo) = to treat)

A simple definition of Manual Therapy as per words is “Treatment with Hands”. 

" Beyond all doubt the use of human hand, as a method of reducing human suffering, is the oldest remedy known to man; historically no date can be given for its adaptation."
  - Mennell 
Manual Therapy

Manual Therapy

Application of an accurately determined and specifically directed manual force to the body, in order to improve mobility in areas that are restricted; in joints, in connective tissues or in skeletal muscles. – Korr (1978)


“An accurately localized, single, quick movement of small amplitude following careful position of the patient. Not necessarily an energetic and is completed before patient can stop it.”- Grieve

“It is a brief, sudden, and carefully administered thrust that is given at the end of the normal passive range of movement in which the joint complex is suddenly carried beyond the normal physiological range of movement without exceeding the boundaries of anatomical integrity.”- Sandoz


“Passive oscillatory movements repeated two or three per second, of small or large amplitude, are applied anywhere in the range and at all times are within the control of patient.”- Maitland

Manual Therapy is imparted after skillful, precise, accurate assessment and clinical reasoning. In the present era of Evidence based practice several systematic reviews (Level I and II) and Randomized Controlled Trials have proven the efficacy of manual therapy as a mode of treatment for various mechanical problems of Joints, Muscles, Ligaments and Nerves. It is very useful for mechanical Low back pain (2nd most common problem next in frequency to common cold), Disc Prolapse, Neck pain, Thoracic pain, Pelvic region, Shoulder pain, Knee pain and Headache. Manual Therapy gives instantaneous relief to the patients with above problems.

Manual Therapy in present day is contribution of several stalwarts of manual therapy profession to name Mennell, Cyriax, Kaltenborn, Paris, McKenzie, Mulligan, Maitland, Butler, Gibbons, Tehan, Elvey, Shacklock, Lee, Chaitow, Jull, Jones and Janda.

The examination and treatment process developed by Manual Therapy Foundation of India draws the concepts based on the works of above stalwarts of manual therapy. MTFI believes that the merger of the work of these manual therapists into one concept provides a more realistic, multifactorial approach to the examination and treatment procedure in order to cope with the multifactorial challenges of the musculoskeletal pain. Training at MTFI also involves thorough clinical reasoning and Evidence Based Practice in order to cope with recent trends.
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